Dog Squad Blog – Obie (AKA Digger)

Last week my friend Joanne told us all about her adorable Pug named Lola. Jo’s youngest dog is Obie and this is his story.

Obie was a rescue puppy. He was put in a bag along with two siblings and the bag was thrown into a dog pound. I saw a picture of him on Facebook asking for adoptive parents and told the kids I wasn’t sure whether I wanted another dog. But we all went for a look anyway.

Isn’t he lovely?

My resolve didn’t last long and within five minutes of meeting him, I had agreed to adopt. We took him home straight away. It turns out I’m an impulsive shopper, even with dogs! I’ll just add here that we also have three cats and we all adore our pack; correction, we did have three cats.  One has decamped and lives between us and a Russian neighbor – I think their food is posher than ours. She does come to visit every now and then but has turned into a bit of a snob and turns her nose up at my offerings.

What you looking at?

Now back to Obie. He was an extremely naughty puppy. But only after he sussed us out and worked out what he could get away with. I didn’t realisehis initial quietness was just a trick to lull us all into a false sense of security. We certainly fell in love with him and soon after that happened, he turned into the devil dog. Obie chewed everything from balcony chairs,to bras, cushions andshoes. In fact, he is not at all fussy and will chew at anything he can get his teeth into. He is very active and his favouritepastimes are going for long walks and runs. Since I’ve got the fitness bug I take him running and he loves it, to the point of getting very excited as soon as my trainers come out of the cupboard.

…And sleep

Initially Lola hated Obie but they have now bonded and cuddle up together every night in the same bed. He is forever trying to get Lola to play fight with him but she is sooooo not interested. I’ve even caught him dragging her around the garden holding onto the rolls of fat she has on her neck. When he becomes too much for her she certainly lets him know.

“I know you love me really Lola.”

Obie’s code name in Deb’s books is Digger and there’s a reason for this. I have to be vigilant otherwise he will dig up all the plants in my garden and ruin all of our good work. This is frustrating as Lola has now got out of the habit of doing this but Obie’s decided to take her place. He is also an escape artist and sees any gate or fence as a challenge. But like most dogs, Obie loves his food and a little whistle with the promise of a treat, or a rustle of paper will bring him running back quicker than lightning.

Butter wouldn’t melt

We love him even though he’s a naughty boy and sometimes makes us scream. He’s the youngest member of our pack and home wouldn’t be home without Obie.

If you’re curious about ‘The Island Dog Squad’ novellas, you can find out more at this link

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