Honorary Dog Squad Members

Pawfect photos!

Snickers and Skittles aged 14 are brother and sister. They’re the lovely fur babies of Sue White. Snickers talks a lot and often sounds just like a cat. But they’re typical dogs really and both love walking and sleeping.

Benji lives with Sarah and Tony Stagg and loves snuggling with his people parents. He also loves playing with family friends and strangers, and hiding in the washing machine.
Benji’s pet hate is Christmas Crackers!

Pictured here with Tessa, Skipper is a miniature pincher who loves squeaky rubber balls.
He was bought (and rescued) from a dirty smoke filled pet store last year.
Skipper is a snuggler and always gives kisses. He loves to lay in laps with his ball in his mouth and get his belly rubbed

Chloe the boxer is pictured here with one of her thirty five toys. This one is Darwin (named after where it was purchased). Chloe was rescued when she was six months old and taken to Sue’s home in Quebec. She had a lovely life but sadly died in February this year.


This is Scruffy, a Chinese Crested-Yorkie mix and the best buddy of Lynne who lives in New York.

DeAnn’s Puppy Pile

The white one is Bella. She’s a mixed puppy rescued at 4 months (we think she’s a mix Grey Pit Bull/Greyhound mix). She’s calm with her people parents and ferocious towards invaders. The black dog is Bronto, short for Brontosaurus. He’s 11 years old though still has his puppy joyous reactions to being let into the front yard, stealing soft cat food and playing with neighborhood kids. He understands complete sentences and is a big galumph! His favourite game used to be Fetch with a frisbee, and he was an ace-one leaper and catcher. Now he enjoys his walks to the creek or up the hill and across the street to the ‘pee rock’.